Looking at the TV ads for fitness clubs, you might think they are all filled with 20-something men and women, jumping and running their way through each workout. While each club has its share of younger members, the fastest growing gym population is in the 50 to 85 year old range. Years ago, when Jack LaLanne first attempted to spread his healthy living message, many thought he was a crazy fanatic. But over the years, research has proven how right LaLanne was about the importance of exercise and eating right. (And the fact that he lived a healthy life up until the age of 96 proves it even more!)
If you’re still relatively young and haven’t “bought into” a regular exercise program, you might want to look a little into the future. One thing I’ve learned over the years is we are not the invincible creatures we thought ourselves to be in our youth. Unless we take care of what we have and nurture our inner and outer “workings”, we are bound to break down. As a trainer, I have seen just how greatly exercise affects our ability to age well. My goal with any client is to make them stronger and heart healthy, but as the population ages, my goal is to make them more functionally able, giving them more strength, flexibility and balance. And of course to improve their mood and attitude!
I first saw the true benefits of resistance exercise for older adults when my mother was undergoing therapy for a stroke. I’ve seen how applying the same principles used for her recovery can strengthen the muscles of healthy adults. According to the National institute on Aging, even a small change in muscle size can make a big change in muscle strength. That’s why strength exercises are so important. Improving muscle size helps people build their capacity to do things such as walk, climb stairs, and carry packages. These kinds of activities can mean the difference between keeping our independence as we age or having to rely on others for help!
It’s also never too late to build muscle mass. Some researchers have found that even older adults who learn simple strength exercises can quickly regain their capacity to perform basic activities of living that had been lost!
But, no matter what your age, if you don’t use it, you will lose it. Treat your body well now so you can stay active into your later years. Jack LaLanne often preached that “The only way you can hurt your body is if you don’t use it!” A Newsweek study showed that each hour of exercise we do gives us an extra two hours of life. And in this day and age, those are pretty good odds, wouldn’t you say?

Anyone at any age can improve their level of fitness. Whether you’ve become more sedentary since starting that first job, or you're working to get back into shape after having a baby, or trying to lose the weight that has followed you around for far too long, take those first steps to work on tuning up your body. As LaLanne taught us, your beginning is not your destiny. The National Institute on Aging says that even a small change in muscle size can make a big difference in strength. Improving muscle size helps people build their capacity to walk, climb stairs and carry a package. These kinds of activities mean the difference between keeping our independence or having to rely on others for help. It is never too late to build muscle mass.
In fact, researchers have found that adults performing simple strength exercises may quickly regain their capacity to perform basic activities that were lost long ago. The benefits can be:
Psychological: People who participate in a strength training program are less anxious and preoccupied allowing them to become more open to new experiences, thus feeling more self-confident. LaLanne was confident and comfortable with all forms of health and fitness activities. He even joked, saying, “I can’t afford to die. It’ll ruin my image.”
Metabolic: Strength training means more muscles. Increased muscle mass burns more calories. Consequently, people can eat in a healthy manner without severe diet restrictions.
Cholesterol and arthritis control: Decreases LDL (bad) cholesterol and increases HDL (good) cholesterol. Strength training can also increase the range of motion in those suffering from osteoarthritis and help relieve pain associated with the disease.

You may be in your 20s or 30s and think you’re indestructible, but neglect catches up with you! So help yourself live longer, and help yourself live well!!
As little as three 30-60 minute sessions per week can make a world of difference!!