It’s almost 2010. The gyms are starting to fill up and the pressure is on. You’ve given yourself leeway because of the holidays and now they’re almost over. You really think you might need a little more time. Are you going to push the deadline until Valentine’s Day? or maybe Easter? If you haven’t thought specifically about what you are going to do to a) lose weight, b) get stronger, c) tone your body, d) lower your cholesterol and blood pressure, e) all of the above, then you probably won’t be able to actually accomplish any of these goals.
Wishing and hoping are great because they don’t require any effort on our part. If we are going to see a change, we need to get some direction. You can go to a doctor, a trainer, Weight Watchers, a nutritionist, use a magazine or book. But at least know how much food and what types of food you should be eating to best fuel your body and accomplish your weight loss, muscle building or health goals.
Once you know the basic overview, make sure you plan to have these foods, measuring tools and nutritional information BEFORE you begin. Grocery shop with a list and research restaurant web sites so you can plan out meal basics for the first week. The plan doesn’t have to be elaborate, in fact, you can eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch every day and vary the proteins and vegetables for dinner. Once you have an idea of portion size and a better sense of the nutritional value of foods, you can get a little more creative. What you DON’T want to do is leave yourself vulnerable; meaning don’t go to the grocery store at 7PM after a stressful day at work and try to figure out what to make for dinner. Chances are it’s gonna be frozen pizza and HoHos!
The exercise component is just as important, but if you haven’t done much moving lately, ease into it. Again, have a plan. It might start with a 5-10 minute walk on the treadmill that increases over time. And, as with your eating, get some help from the experts. Work with a trainer, follow a routine from a fitness magazine (make sure it’s a routine for your current level of fitness), do an exercise video. Most importantly, plan a specific time of day to devote to your workout and commit to it.
This commitment can only come from you. No one can do it for you and it’s not someone else’s fault if you deviate from that commitment. Own up to being responsible for your own body and have what you need to succeed before you start the journey. You wouldn’t go on vacation without the right clothes, so pack the right tools and foods, and check the guide books before you start your trip.
Happy New Year! I will do better this year.