Last week we talked about not procrastinating. But....you went back to work after the holidays and you’re trying to catch up and you have laundry to do and presents to return and you’re not really in the groove yet and it’s cold and......YOU fill in the blank.
Without belaboring the obvious, you need to stop just thinking about it and do it. Get in the gym or on a cardio machine and get moving. You don’t have to start by running five miles or going full blast in an hour-long spinning class. You can always perfect things as you go, but without doing it at all, you won’t get anywhere. When you feel like you don’t have much time to devote to your workout, avoid the urge to simply skip working out all together and instead condense the workout sessions you used to do. Start with 15 minute intervals of cardio and strength training and repeat the circuit two or three times as you ease back into your fitness routine. Or, try to add small bouts of activity in a short time, like switching machines every ten minutes to work up to a longer cardio session. Realize that doing some exercise is better than doing nothing. If you get in 10-15 minutes on your first day back, it’s more than not going at all!
Also, think about rewarding yourself for a job well done. I don’t mean run 10 minutes and then eat a triple cheeseburger, though. IDEA Fitness recommends the following “presents” you can give yourself that won’t compromise your fitness goals:
• Give yourself an extra ten minutes. At the end of your workout, use that extra time to sit in the hot tub, take an extra long shower, pick up some coffee from your favorite establishment, stretch, nap or whatever makes you feel good.
• Reward yourself every week. At the end of each week, plan something fun you'll do if you've completed all your workouts. A movie, a massage, a shopping trip, an afternoon in front of the fire, etc.
• Reward yourself every month. Plan bigger rewards for completing all your workouts in one month. A weekend trip, a new pair of running shoes, a day at the spa...choose something that makes you smile when you think about it and get moving.
• Reward yourself at the end of a season. Another way to stay motivated is to plan something like a vacation. Knowing you have a trip to look forward to (even for a weekend) will motivate you to get/stay in shape so you're strong and healthy (not to mention, looking good in a swimsuit!).
These little and big rewards can make a huge difference. I’ve seen little changes turn into major lifestyle shifts in my own household. My husband used to dread working out until we joined a gym with a steam and hot tub. His “reward’ after a difficult workout was time in the steam room. He’s gone from dreading one or two short workouts a week to getting up at 5 AM, four mornings a week to workout out for an hour or longer! He was not a happy camper when that steam room was closed for repairs!
It’s worked for my daughter, too. She knew her 21st birthday was coming up and a vacation in Mexico with her friends was how she rewarded her food changes and exercise efforts. It has since become a commitment of five times a week in the gym and a healthy eating program.
The small steps and little rewards you give yourself end up turning into the biggest reward of all; good health and fitness. But until then, make a deal with yourself. What’s on your “shopping” list? A mani/pedi? Noise blocking headphones? New UGGS? A massage? 60” flat screen TV at Best Buy? Get back on track and give yourself a reason to keep going!
If you need a little more inspiration, download the following songs for about a 15-20 minute soundtrack for your workout:(I picked songs for inspiration and BPMs; not exactly current hits)
Wake Me Up Before You Go Go-3:51-Wham!(Better than your alarm clock)
Blame It-4:50-Jamie Foxx (Because isn't the a-a-a-a-alcohol one of the reasons you haven't been to the gym anyway?)
Fun Fun Fun-2:21-Beach Boys (At least pretend it is!)
Them Changes-4:00-Jimi Hendrix (Because that's what you'll see if you just start)
What I Like About You-2:55-Romantics (Aren't you going to be proud of yourself for working out?)
Hard Day's Night-2:33-The Beatles (Enough said)
Cheeseburger In Paradise-2:52-Jimmy Buffet (Since you can't eat one as a reward, why not just sing about it?)
Send me the names of songs you use to crank up your workouts. I'll post them next week.
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